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 »  Home  »  São Paulo  »  Gulf Air contrata pilotos de Boing e Airbus
Gulf Air contrata pilotos de Boing e Airbus
Por Ricardo Burmaian | Publicado  04/26/2004 | São Paulo | Avaliação:

Are you an experienced pilot looking for a new home?

Gulf Air has an impressive hisyory with over 50 years of airline experience, offering the best connections in the Gulf region. Gulf Airm the national airline of Abu Dhabai, Bahrain and Oman carries over 6 million passengers each year to more than 45 destinations worldwide in one of the youngest fleets in the industry.

Based in Abu Dhabi or Bahrain, you will enjoy a safe, relaxed, cosmopolitan lifestyle, an abundance of sporting, cultural events and the warm welcomming nature of the local people.

If you have the technical skills and expertise we are looking for, this unique opportunity could be yours along with the many benefits Gulf Air extends to our pilots inckuding a fenerous tax-free salary, generous days annual leave and general travel concessions.


For more information and to apply please visit

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