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 »  Home  »  São Paulo  »  Gage contrata business coordinator
Gage contrata business coordinator
Por Ricardo Burmaian | Publicado  04/26/2004 | São Paulo | Avaliação:

Gage, à leading chemical and services company focused on the O&M market, present in U.S., Canada, Europe, Mexico and Brazil. is currently looking for a

(for the São Paulo area)

Candidates must have a Mechanical/ chemical Engineer or Technical degree background and a minimum of three years experience in:

- Assembly and/or industrial piping maintenance and its equipments (Pumps, valves and others);
- Process and/or process maintenance in major automotive or autoparts paint lines;
- Capability to understand technical drawings (mechanical);
- Fluent English;
- Availability to travels and work during weekend.

Reporting to the Marketing Manager, the required professional must have a technical profile to work with maintenance and process plant teams, as well as to pergorm technical/commercial presentations to customers and prospects.
You must be highly motivated, client focused and result oriented.

Salary: according to the experience and graduation.

Send your résumé with salary expextatives to code: ``Business-496`` Caixa Postal 3988 - CEP 01060-970 - São Paulo-SP or e-mail:

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