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 »  Home  »  São Paulo  »  NEORIS contrata gerentes e consultores em SAP
NEORIS contrata gerentes e consultores em SAP
Por Ricardo Burmaian | Publicado  03/30/2004 | São Paulo | Avaliação:

NEORIS Practical Visionaries

Managers and Consultants
SAP Netweaver TM Practice.

At Neoris we specialize in helping our clients change through the innovative use of technology, to improve their business perfomance. We are now implementing a global initiative towards the development of our SAP NetWeaver tm practice, as a preferred partner of SAP.

We are looking for experienced, outstanding professinals with a proven track record that have...
- at least 3 years prior SAP R/3 consulting experience;
- sales experience a plus for manargers;
- experience with Basic, ABAP, BW, EP or XI. Java a plus;
- exceptional communication, interpersonal and client relationship skills;
- fluent English language ability;
- total commitment to superb client service.

If what you are looking for is...
- an opportunity to help build a consulting business as if it were your own;
- an exciting place to work;
- to be part one of the leading, world class consulting firms;
- to create solutions that add vallue to your clients.

Interest? Write us a letter in English explaining why you fit this demanding profile. Send this letter and your complete resume to

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