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 »  Home  »  São Paulo  »  Empresa busca gerente de produtos e de contas
Empresa busca gerente de produtos e de contas
Por Ricardo Burmaian. | Publicado  03/16/2004 | São Paulo | Avaliação:

A 25-year-old, international telecommunication company, with Head Quarters Finland, is seeking Product Managers & Account Managers for the sales department in São Paulo office.


- Education: Telecommunication, Eletric or Computer Science Engineering;
- Availability to travel in Latin America;
- Fluent in English and Spanish;
- Sales, Presentation and Marketing skills;
- Experience on Telecommunication or IT.

Description the Product Manager position, code SAPM:
- Product Support on pre-sales, offering and after sales;
- Customer Support on Product and Presentations to Customer;
- Interfacing to the other Product Management Centers.

Description of the Account Manager position, code SAAM:
- Responsible of one or various Accounts (Latin America Operators);
- Responsible to prepare the proposals, negotiate and close the deals;
- Responsible fot after Sales and Relationship; Responsible of Business Development on the those Accounts.

- Possibility to receivedlocal and international training on the Product;
- Possibility to develop a careering a dynamic, international and growing Company offering art to the state Telecommunication Technology;
- Competitive salary and ther benefits.

Please send your resume in English (until March 19 th) with the reference/subject code to:

Tecnomen - Sistemas de Teleconumicação Ltda.
Avenida Luis Carlos Berrini, 1.500 - 16 andar - conjunto 161- CEP 04571-000 - São Paulo - SP.
For further information about our company, please visit our web-site:

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