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 »  Home  »  São Paulo  »  Semco contrata Chief Financial Officer
Semco contrata Chief Financial Officer
Por Ricardo Burmaian | Publicado  03/12/2004 | São Paulo | Avaliação:

Semco Corporate, in rapid expansion, is in need of an intuitive, wellrounded officer to oversee the following areas of its business units:
- Planning and stragegy;
- Budgetary process;
- Treasury;
- Controllership;
- Financial and investment analyses.
Most of the six companies to be monitored are joint ventures with Fortune 1.000 companies, with an overall volume of approx. US$ 150 milion, encompassing 2.000 employees. Needed are profund skills in reading through numbers, probing alternatives and solutions, and an in-depth collaboration with management towards achieving stragegic financial path-seeking. Very fluent English is a must. Post-grad work outside Brazil is welcome, as well as a history with global companies. Person will report to Corporate CEO and interact with business unit financial managers as well as JV partners.
Please send us a resumé in English and Portuguese to

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